thursday, jANUARY 23RD - sunday, jANUARY 26th

  • Price: £40 In-Person/ £32 Online
    (packs and memberships do not apply)

    Love Supreme Part 1: Prosody

    This first night, Ganavya will sing poems that have moved her in the past few years. She grew up in a tradition called harikathā, where we make songs from old poems to create prayer-songs. Songs for this evening's gathering will draw from old prayers and new poems, in Spanish, English, and all other languages that come our way. Bring your favourite poem to the gathering. Why, prosody? In short, prosody—the rhythm of poetry—is the only remaining domain that AI is struggling to replicate. Prosody is our heart, our breath, what we say is our uyir in Tamil. If singing poetry is your prayer, come this night. Jay Verma will join us on felted-piano.

    Open to all levels, age 12 and up.

    Book In-Person

    Book Online

  • Price: £18 In-person/ £14 Online

    (packs and Die-Heart Memberships apply)

    Love Supreme Part 2: Kirtan

    Manizeh and Ganavya will sing Kirtan songs together. This is the night to sing the songs many of you already know. Prayers will range from Sanskrit, to Hindi, to ancient Avestan. Alice Coltrane will be a central part of this night, as she always is the patron saint when Manizeh and Ganavya sing together. The gentle and brilliant Ben Hazleton joins us, alongside guitarist Alex Reeves, who is part of SAULT. Alex is recently a new father, with his little one 8 weeks old now— we can envelope him in the village love as he comes and sings with us on his guitar.

    An easier path to meditation, chanting cuts through the mind straight to the heart. Through the repetition of ancient mantras, set to beautiful melodies, you can travel inwards and feel your heart crack open. For everyone, especially those who don't like the sound of their own voice!

    Open to all levels, age 12 and up.

    Book In-Person

    Book Online

  • Price: £40 In-Person/ £32 Online
    (packs and memberships do not apply)

    Love Supreme Part 3: Temple Songs

    Ganavya will sing songs from various temples. This will be closest to a traditional “set” you may have seen her perform when she is on the road. The talented Miriam Adefris joins on harp, with a surprise jazz saxophonist friend. 

    Open to all levels, age 12 and up.

    Book In-Person

    Book Online

  • Price: £18 In-Person / £14 Online
    (Packs and Die-Heart Memberships apply)

    Love Supreme Part 4: Offering (Sunday Special)

    Manizeh and Ganavya will sing songs designed to sing with you— this is the seed phase of the Love Supreme Public Choir, which is you! The money from this day will go to Doctors Without Borders.

    The Sunday Special is at the heart of who we are. We come together as a community of practice to support ourselves, our families, and ultimately the world. All proceeds from the Sunday Special go different non-profits, sometimes local, sometimes global.

    In this two-hour session, we have the luxury of time to quiet our minds, and tend to our hearts together. You’ll experience the joy of being part of a community of practice and come out feeling recharged and restored.

    This session will often feature live music and Mumbai Mix’s delicious chai and samosas will be served afterwards.

    January’s proceeds will support Doctors Without Borders.

    Open to all levels 12 years old & up.

    Book In-Person

    Book Online

You can sign-up for each evening individually. Please see below for the full breakdown of the sessions and booking links.

  • "No matter the language or the content, Ganavya’s voice is a thick ephemera, like smoke as dark as ink, just coming off the fire." - New York Times

    Tamil Nadu-raised and New York-born critically acclaimed vocalist Ganavya lives, learns, and loves fluidly from the nexus of many frameworks and understandings. Hers is a deeply profound and rooted voice. A multidisciplinary creator, she is a soundsmith and wordsmith. Trained as an improviser, scholar, dancer, and multi-instrumentalist, she maintains an inner library of “spi/ritual” blueprints offered to her by an intergenerational constellation of collaborators, continuously anchoring her practice in pasts, presents and, futures. Much of her childhood was on the pilgrimage trail, learning the storytelling art form of harikathā and singing poetry that critiques hierarchal social structures.

  • Hi, I am Manizeh. I consider myself a global citizen. I was born in Pakistan, grew up in Switzerland, and attended college in the U.S. before finally laying down roots in London, a city I love.  After years of working as a technology investment banker and at start-ups in San Francisco, I gladly gave it all up when I found my calling as a yoga teacher. I love sharing all the various yoga practises with people, especially chanting mantras, a practise that continues to crack my heart open, over and over again. 

    Love Supreme Projects has been a lifetime in the making. In a world in which it feels increasingly difficult to not shut down and protect the heart, a community of practice that cracks the heart open feels more essential than ever. The philosophy and technologies these practices provide, that combined, stimulate the intellect, move the body and open the heart, are unbeatable tools to get through the ups-and-downs of life. It is the open heart that tends the world. 

    I have been a long-time student of Sharon Gannon, David Life and Jai Uttal. I am an Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga teacher and started Jivamukti Yoga London in 2005, as well as starting the yoga program at Maggie’s Cancer Centres in London. I am the founder of Love Supreme Projects. I graduated from Brown University with a B.A in political science.