After practising Ashtanga in Mysore, India, with Pattabhi Jois in the mid-'90s, it was in New York that Emma discovered her calling in Jivamukti yoga. Falling in love with this dynamic practice steeped in yoga philosophy, Emma has since become one of the community's advanced teachers and the lead UK facilitator for their 300hr trainings. 

Influenced by her background in dance, Emma's innovative classes fuse playful choreography and eclectic soundtracks with a deep understanding of anatomy, alignment and the subtle body. For those looking to deepen their practice beyond asana, you'll find inspiration through Emma's dharma talks, and you will discover the power of community in the kirtan sessions that she loves to share. 

"I have practised yoga with several teachers over the last ten years, but Emma has taken me to another level, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Her classes are strong, wholesome, full of soul, and incredibly satisfying. She has a deep knowledge of yoga philosophy and Bhakti, which are an integral part of her classes. I am so grateful to have her in my life; I'm hooked to her classes, energy and knowledge, and I always walk out feeling blissful, nourished and fulfilled." - Radhika Khimji.