Gurmukh & Gurushabd: INTUITIVE AWAKENING

The ultimate happiness of a human being exists within the mastery of our intuition, where we discover that we are one step ahead of time and space.

This gift is what the Sahasrara is: the part of the brain known as the lotus of a thousand petals. It gives us the capacity to know all the thousand aspects of the Universe. Your entire mechanism, the human brain, is made to develop your intuition so you can be in clear communication with Divine Guidance. Without it, you live in fear and from your lower centres. With it, you are able to move forward without thought and from a neutral mind. You must know the chemistry and the physics of your own being in order to master this. You must neither overdo things nor underdo them. There is a great balancing act to this true command of self, and the science within the technology of Kundalini Yoga exists to help achieve it.

Open to all levels 12 years old & up.

Please see below for the full breakdown of the sessions and booking links.

june 13th - june 15th

Intuitive Awakening: Unlocking the Lotus of a Thousand Petals

  • Price: £70 In-Person / £50 Online

    (Packs and memberships do not apply)

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    Book Online

  • Price: £70 In-Person / £50 Online

    (Packs and memberships do not apply)

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    Book Online

  • Price: £70 In-Person / £50 Online

    (Packs and memberships do not apply)

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    Book Online

  • Price: £70 In-Person / £50 Online

    (Packs and memberships do not apply)

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  • Price: £18 In-Person / £14 Online (packs and Die-Heart Membership apply)

    The Sunday Special is at the heart of who we are. We come together as a community of practice to support ourselves, our families, and ultimately the world. All proceeds from the Sunday Special go different non-profits, sometimes local, sometimes global. In this two-hour session, we have the luxury of time to move our bodies, quiet our minds, and tend to our hearts together. You’ll experience the joy of being part of a community of practice and come out feeling recharged and restored. Mumbai Mix’s delicious chai and samosas will be served afterwards. June’s proceeds will support The Pradiya Foundation, a beautiful, absolutely amazing center for children and families in Odanaku Village, Nepal. Please visit their website for more information:

    Open to all levels 12 years old & up.

    Book In-Person

    Book Online

  • World-renowned Kundalini Yoga teachers, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and Guru Shabd Singh Khalsa have dedicated their lives to sharing the transformative power of yoga, meditation, and conscious living. As the founders of Golden Bridge Yoga, they have spent decades guiding students across the globe toward self-discovery, inner strength, and spiritual awakening.

    With deep roots in the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, Gurmukh and Gurushabd bring wisdom, compassion, and authenticity to their practice. Their work extends beyond the mat, inspiring individuals to live with courage, grace, and a profound connection to the Divine. Through retreats, trainings, and community gatherings, they continue to uplift and empower people of all backgrounds on their journey toward truth and light.